Homework (II)
Problem 1. Show that the law of double negation holds constructively for negative propositions, i.e. $A \iff \neg \neg A$ whenever $A$ is a propositional formula of the from $\neg P$.
- Write a natural deduction proof.
- Write a
Problem 2. Here is a proof of $\neg (P \iff \neg P)$ using the Law of Excluded Middle.
Is it possible to prove $\neg (P \iff \neg P)$ constructively (i.e. without using classical logic)? If so, construct such a proof. If no, give your reason and/or intuition why you think a constructive proof is not possible.
Problem 3. Using classical reasoning, show that for all propositions $P$ and $Q$ the following formulae are tautologies:
- $P \lor (P\To Q)$
- $(P \To Q) \lor (Q \To P)$
Problem 4. In this exercise we’ll learn about Peirce’s law, a curiosity of classical logic. Let $P$, $Q$ and $R$ be propositions.
- With the help of the law of double negation construct a proof of proposition \[ ((P \Rightarrow Q) \Rightarrow P) \Rightarrow P \] in the style of natural deduction.
- Write this proof in
Problem 5. An integer $m$ is said to divide an integer $n$, written $m \mid n$, if there exists an integer $k$ such that $n = mk$. We write $m \nmid n$ for $\neg (m \mid n)$. With this definition in hand, decide whether the following proof that $3 \nmid 20$ is constructive or not? Justify your answer.
Proof. Assume to the contrary that $3 \mid 20$. Then there exists a $k$ such that $20 = 3k$. By the fundamental theorem of arithmetic, $k$ has some unique prime factorization $k = 3 \prod_{i=1}^{n} p_i$. So $20$ factors into primes as $20 = 3 \prod_{i=1}^{n} p_i$. But we also know that $20 = 2 \times 2 \times 5$. The existence of two distinct prime factorizations for $20$ contradicts the uniqueness guaranteed by the fundamental theorem of arithmetic. We thus conclude that $3 \nmid 20$.
Problem 6. Give a constructive proof of the fact that the multiplication of two non-zero rational numbers is non-zero.
Tips & Hints
- For problem 6, you might want to use the fact that a non-zero rational number has a multiplicative inverse.